Reoccuring problems solved with repeatable solutions

01 Dec 2022

There is a solution that solves many problems during the development process.

We noticed some problems arise in the application numerous times. It will be redundant to solve the reoccurrence every time. Thus, a solution to these problems is imperative to maximize the efficacy of the development process. Implementing design patterns in our application is the quickest way to counter common issues. For instance, creational design patterns use inheritance in the instantiation process. This will effectively copy and derive the classes to lessen the resources for data acquisition or get rid of any unused objects.

Structures are crucial for building architecture, and so is for software development.

During the development of my first application, I quickly realized the significance of implementing design patterns. Especially when collaborating with multiple people, the code will be complicated to compose together as a whole. I decided to create a design pattern where the composition of the objects is represented as a tree. And they’ve properly linked to communication any internal change of states. If the object has been modified, it would quickly adapt and display its updated value.