Vending Machin algorithms would creatd a list and adding the nodes to the list. It would display the the menus first, and receive inputs from users. When adding the item, program receive the name, price, calories etc. Then it creates the food node and adding it to the list. It will check if the node already exist in the list first before adding the item.
Here is some code that illustrates how the program read values:
public boolean checkBarcode(int barcode){
SNode cursor = front; //create cursor referencing the front
for(int i=0; i < sizeCount; i++) {//for loop to check for each nodes in the list
if(cursor.getSnack().getBarcode() == barcode) { //node - snack - barcode
return true; // if the barcode match, return true
cursor = cursor.getNext(); //make the cursor pointing at the next node if barcode not matching
return false; // loop through the list, if no matching barcode found, return false
/** method to add new nodes in the list
* @para Snack object
public void add(Snack snack) {
SNode n = new SNode(snack); // make a node
// if list is empty
if (sizeCount == 0) {
front = n;
back = n;
// if list is populated, point previous node to new node, assign new node to last
else {
back.setNext(n); //front stay at its position back move to the next node added
back = n;
sizeCount++; // incrementing the size of the list