Weihao He


I am studying for a B.A. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2023.

Interests: Cybersecurity, Software engineering, Topics in algorithms, Database


UH Broadcast 2022-12-13

UH-Broadcast is an example web application that provides pages to view and post listings of various items for the UH community.

JavaScript HTML CSS React-Bootstrap Meteor

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Voter Registration Application 2022-08-30

I developed this website with JavaScript and HTML to record Hawaii voter's information

JavaScript HTML

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Vending Machine 2022-08-30

Used to implement into a vending machine to add the food objects, set the item price, remove items, output the list of items purchased and the price.


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Software engineering in a nutshell

07 Dec 2022

What is configuration management and why it is a powerful concept in software engineering? Before taking a software engineering course, I always wonder what exactly software engineering is. Is it a coding class? Do we develop software? Yes, those are...

Software Engineering Learning

Reoccuring problems solved with repeatable solutions

01 Dec 2022

There is a solution that solves many problems during the development process. We noticed some problems arise in the application numerous times. It will be redundant to solve the reoccurrence every time. Thus, a solution to these problems is imperative...

Software Engineering Learning Design Pattern

Codes Without Standards Is Like a Messy Drawer

22 Sep 2022

Why is coding standard important? I discussed the coding standard with my peers when I first began to learn programming. I used to think the standard is a hassle and unnecessary to implement. However, that was the beginning phase of...

Software Engineering Learning coding standard

What is a smart question

08 Sep 2015

Considerations before and when asking the question. In my perspective, there is a stupid question. Before soliciting answers from experts, there are a few crucial things to keep in mind. The first question is, Did you do your own research...

Questions Answers StackOverflow